SOI键合EVG®810 LT+EVG®301

SOI键合EVG®810 LT+EVG®301
型号:EVG®810 LT+EVG®
类别:电子、电力 / 其它电力、电子
标签︰SOI晶圆键合 , SOI材料键合机 , 绝缘氧化硅制作
单价: €700000 / 件
最少订量:1 件


EVG®810 LT


  • Surface plasma activation for low-temperature bonding (fusion/molecular and intermediate layer bonding)
  • Fastest kinetics of any wafer bonding mechanism
  • No wet processes required
  • Highest bond strength at low temperature annealing (up to 400 °C)
  • Applicable for SOI, MEMS, compound semiconductors, and advanced substrates bonding
  • High degree of materials compatibility (including CMOS)

Technical Data

Wafer diameter (substrate size)
50 - 200, 100 - 300 mm
LowTemp™ plasma activation chamber
Process gases: 2 standard process gases (N2 and O2)
Universal mass flow controller: self-calibrating (up to 20.000 sccm)
Vacuum system: 9x10-2 mbar
Opening / closing of chamber: automated
Loading / unloading of chamber: manual (wafer / substrate placed on loading pins)
Optional features
Chuck for different wafer sizes
Metal ion-free activation
Additional process gases with gas mixing
High vacuum system with turbo pump: 9x10-3 mbar base pressure
Material systems that are qualified with LowTemp™ plasma activated bonding
Si: Si/Si, Si/Si (thermally oxidized, Si (thermally oxidized)/Si (thermally oxidized)
TEOS/TEOS (thermally oxidized)
Si/Ge for Germanium-on-Insulator (GeOI)
Glass (borofloat, non-alkali): Si/Glas, Glass/Glass
Compound semiconductors: GaAs, GaP, InP
Polymers: PMMA, Cyclo Olefin Polymers

"Best Known Method" recipes available for users for the above and for other materials (full list available on request)



  • High-efficiency cleaning using 1 MHz megasonic nozzles or area transducers (option)
  • Brush scrubbing for single-side cleaning (option)
  • Diluted chemicals for wafer cleaning
  • Prevents cross-contamination from back to front side
  • Fully software controlled cleaning process
  • Options
    • Pre-bonding station with IR-inspection
    • Tooling for non-SEMI standard substrates

echnical Data

Wafer diameter (substrate size)
200, 100 - 300 mm
Cleaning system
Open chamber, spinner and cleaning arm
Chamber: made of PP or PFA (option)
Cleaning media: DI-water (standard), other cleaning media (option)
Spinner chuck: vacuum chuck (standard) and edge handling chuck (option) made of metal ion free and clean materials
Rotation: up to 3000 rpm (in 5 sec)
Megasonic nozzle
Frequency: 1 MHz (3 MHz option)
Output power: 30 - 60 W
DI-water flow rate: up to 1.5 liter/min
Effective cleaning area: Ø 4.0 mm
Material: PTFE
Megasonic area transducer
Frequency: 1 MHz (3 MHz option)
Output power: max. 2.5 W/cm² active areas (max. output 200 W)
DI-water flow rate: up to 1.5 liter/min
Effective cleaning area: triangle shape that guarantees radio uniformity on whole wafers per each rotation
Material: SS and sapphire
Material: PVA
Programmable parameters: brush and wafer speed (rpm)
Adjustable parameters (brush compression, media dispense)
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联系人︰娄先生 (销售总监)